Sunday, March 6, 2011

LOVE $$$

a wise friend once told me.. 'there is nothing grander than a reproduction of a reproduction' and with that in mind i offer you the following song.(given that my recent work is mostly reading and under construction)

I think the tone of the song resounds with me more than anything at this moment.
It's been a long time since you saw your body,
it looks like someone you know, like somebody.
It's not beautiful, and it's not ugly,
it's just your body and it looks like somebody else. 

I recently discovered that my mom was diagnosed with breast cancer. They caught it early, and I am hopeful, but in the light of this moment, I'm thinking about this experience of disassociation from the body on a number of levels. On one level, this delay that seems to occur between the moment I hear something that codes as painful, and the moment that I feel the pain. I almost have to force myself to feel, or it erupts at moments of human connection. On the other hand, i'm thinking of this disconnection in terms a very real sensation that I do not associate with my physical body as the same one that other people see it as. And in relation to the song, I'm thinking of this disassociation in terms of the ways people who are female-bodied or raised as such, can learn to disconnect in the order of defense. Additionally, I'm thinking about how this association with one's body can be altered so drastically through the removal of appendages.